The Saint John Branch has identified genealogical resources that may be of interest to users of this site.
- Clicking on the red links below will open pop-up pages or external websites.
Contact the webmanager if you have research material or resources to share.
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Saint John Branch - Research Resources
at the Saint John Free Public Library
(members only)
Sir Guy Carleton's Ledger: details of people on evacuation ships from April to November 1783.
(members only)
Records of the temporary asylum Saint John 1840
(members only)
a brief history
(members only)
Family registers for three Wetmore families
(members only)
Catholic Diocese of Saint John
(members only)
First Common Council of Saint John, 1785
(public access)
Catalogue of Vessels arrived at Saint John with Immigrant Passengers Year 1842
(public access)
The search for
(members only)
The family of James Smith, builder and owner of the Marco Polo
Cemetery Resources
Cemetery Maps:
(public access)
(members only)
(public access)
by the NB Historical Society
(members only)
by Marion Dunphy
(members only)
(1837-1923) by Lennox Bagnell
(members only)
Or, click here to purchase a copy of this book.
(public access)
Find where someone is buried in Fernhill using their Gravesite Search (public access)
Websites for Saint John and Kings County resources
(NBGS is not responsible for the material on these websites)
Catholic Diocese of Saint John
City of Saint John
Saint John, NB
New Brunswick Black History Society
New Brunswick Museum
Peninsula Heritage Inc
John Fisher Memorial Museum
Kingston, NB
Provincial Archives of New Brunswick
Quaco Historical and Library Society
St Martins, NB
Rothesay, NB
Saint John Jewish Historical Museum
Saint John, NB
(public access)
(public access)
updated Jul 2023